An Ode to Leo Season

a tarot card of strength showing a lio (aka leo) in a hammock reading

Whimsical card from the Tarot of Tales deck @melindaleeholm

As we approach the last third of August and the Sun traverses its way into the mutable and adaptable sign of Virgo, it felt right to express some gratitude for this fiery placement.

Dear Leo - A Love Letter

You came in with a thunder
Dry, hot and full of sparks
Like you always do
In the past I’ve resisted
The heat was too much
The atmosphere loud
The earth vibrating
I wanted to run
Not ready to be seen even though that is all that you ever wanted for me
For all of us
You can see in us what we don’t, the things we miss
Gently you held out your hand
You coaxed me out of my hiding and whispered “Trust me”
For strength is not loud, not boastful
Confident in your resolve to be unapologetically you
You have perfected the art
Of just the right amounts of push and pull
Never forceful
Just proud
Of all the parts
That shine in the light
As much as those that glow in dark
Asking for your care and attention
Asking us to do the same
And embracing all of ourselves

~Thank you <3


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