A Spread for the Winter Solstice
When we celebrate the Winter Solstice, we are embracing the return of the Sun and the light. This spread was created with the intention of celebrating the light we carry as well as embracing this time for rest.
Worry and the Nine of Swords
I was sitting on my cushion one morning and an image popped into my head. It was an old version of me. A very old version of me. Sitting reclined on a big green chair saying “I wish I had worried less…”
Beyond the Veil Spread
As we approach Samhain, it is said that the veil between the living world and the spirit world thins. It is a time to connect with those no longer here with us on earth as well as our ancestors whose names have been forgotten…
Understanding the Misunderstood Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is such a misunderstood Queen. She rules with logic, and while her emotions are always present, she understands that sometimes we need to make decisions from our head. How can you identify a Queen of Swords in your world and what intuitive gifts does she have?
Libra Season and the Two of Swords
How does the Two of Swords connect to Libra season? How can working with this card invite balance into our lives?
Mabon Tarot Spread
This Mabon Tarot Spread spread asks us to examine our conscious and subconscious, our light and our dark, to celebrate what we have been working on since the Spring and recognize the valuable lessons we have learned along the way...
A Meditation on the Ten of Pentacles
As the energy courses down your body notice if you can feel any sensations just below your spine. This energy center is known as our root, and where we store our feelings around safety and security. Bring your attention to the base of your spine for a moment…
The Seven of Wands and dabbling with Decans
At its core, we can correlate the Seven of Wands with protection. Protection from what you ask?
The Power of the Pause and the Hanged One
Pause. Wait. Stop. Yellow Light. Hang on. For most of us, myself included, pausing can feel hard.I see the Hanged One as being a helper in preparing us for the moment of Death/Rebirth…
The Queen of Cups and Going Within this Cancer Season
Who is the Queen of Cups anyway and how does she relate to early summer astrologically?
Working Through the Five of Cups
The 5 of Cups may be the ultimate Buddist practice of non-attachment. When we take something we once held dear and open our hands to say “You are no longer mine”, we practice the act of letting go. Acknowledging that this experience was on loan for a time . . .
Meditation on the Fool
When I first started to read Tarot I came across the term “pathworking” . It means to place yourself inside of the card to explore its textures, feelings, sounds and depths. As an avid meditator and life long lover of fiction…
Ancestor Tarot Spread
As we’ve entered the season of Samhain, continuing to work with ancestors is what's in the cards 🙂
New Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse and the Justice Card
New Moons hold the promise of a fresh start, planting seeds and manifestation. On the other hand, a solar eclipse travels into the darker parts of our subconscious to ask what is ready to be …
The Beauty of Death
When Death arises as we lay down the Tarot, it signifies holding on to the outdated version of ourselves because, “Oh no! If I am not THAT person…then who am I actually?” And that, my friends, is the scary bit.
Pisces Full Moon Hangover
Full Moons are a time to release and let go. Something may have benefitted us in the past but no longer feels right or aligned with who we are becoming. We feel lighter, but possibly also drained …
An Ode to Leo Season
As we approach the last third of August and the Sun traverses its way into the mutable and adaptable sign of Virgo, it felt right to express some gratitude for this fiery placement.
Buying Your Own Tarot Deck isn’t Unlucky
Bad luck, power play and lost in translation….. we cover it all!