New Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse and the Justice Card

the justice card overlayed on a solar eclipse

Image credit to Empowering Justice card from Next World Tarot deck

As it is, not as you would like it to be
— S. N. Goenka

As we enter into the New Moon in Libra tomorrow on October 14th, some thoughts, half-unearthed pieces and gems have begun to emerge. Regarding a Solar Eclipse, I’ve heard “We don’t choose what to release, it chooses us.” Noticing what is coming up, feeling the subtle (or not so subtle) little nudges and seeing in which direction it pulls you, is worthy of your attention if you are willing to go there. 

New Moons hold the promise of a fresh start, planting seeds and manifestation. On the other hand, a Solar Eclipse travels into the darker parts of our subconscious to ask what is ready to be unearthed and released. In order for something new to take root, we are often required to let go. No doubt, this can feel uncomfortable.

Our ego often holds onto past ideas we’ve outgrown due to its comfort and familiarity. Reminiscent of a worn out couch, we know it needs replacing, but it’s served us well for so long, and therefore, it remains. 

Simultaneously, as this cosmic shift is occurring in the sign of Libra, it calls forward the Justice card of the Tarot. 

Justice is tied to Libra. We often see this as a card of just and right action, balance and the leveling of the energies of the past and the present. One of my Tarot teachers, Lindsay Mack, suggests that beyond these meanings, Justice asks us to get comfortable with “What is” and spoken in the words of my late Vipassana teacher, S.N.Goenka, “Not as we would like it to be”. 

Personally, Justice has always felt like a challenging card (and lucky me it is my Card of the Year 🙂) It asks us to see with both eyes open, to face the reality of a situation, to sit beside it, and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Rather than run from things we’d rather not confront, or distract ourselves from the truth, the Justice card wants us to just be here now, “as it is”. This is the way through to the other side. Just as we know that no experience, good or bad, lasts forever, we can be reassured this holds true for our emotions as well.They will surface and may even flow over, only to be released back to the earth. Justice is interested in the truth of the matter and supports you in unearthing it, to sit alongside you as you lock eyes with it and examine it to understand what it is meant to teach you.

What is surfacing that requires your attention? How has this energy served you and supported you in the past? Is this energy still needed for you to move forward? If not, can you thank it for what it has taught and begin its gentle release? 

I think of this time as “Fall Cleaning”, to make space for what we are welcoming in for the season ahead. An affirmation to take with you that offers support through this day and any day: 

“My presence and acknowledgement of “what is” is a gift to me. I am the oracle of my own truths and I use this clarity to release what no longer serves me”

May your understanding bring you greater awareness and serve as a teacher in knowing the deepest parts of you. Wishing you love and gentleness as we move through this eclipse season.


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