Worry and the Nine of Swords
I was sitting on my cushion one morning and an image popped into my head. It was an old version of me. A very old version of me. Sitting reclined on a big green chair saying “I wish I had worried less…”
A Meditation on the Ten of Pentacles
As the energy courses down your body notice if you can feel any sensations just below your spine. This energy center is known as our root, and where we store our feelings around safety and security. Bring your attention to the base of your spine for a moment…
Working Through the Five of Cups
The 5 of Cups may be the ultimate Buddist practice of non-attachment. When we take something we once held dear and open our hands to say “You are no longer mine”, we practice the act of letting go. Acknowledging that this experience was on loan for a time . . .
Meditation on the Fool
When I first started to read Tarot I came across the term “pathworking” . It means to place yourself inside of the card to explore its textures, feelings, sounds and depths. As an avid meditator and life long lover of fiction…